Want to find a career that will make you feel satisfied and fulfilled? Research shows the best way to find your dream job is to not focus on making money, but rather on doing something you're good at and that you enjoy. Matching your values, interests, and skills to the working world will make you happy and will make the world a better place. Let TVCC Career Resources help you match your talents to rewarding professions - CAREER PLANNING WORKS!

Job Preparation Resources

Do you lack the necessary interview skills to pitch yourself to employers? Practicing through mock video interviews will give you the knowledge and confidence to land your dream job with ease.

InterviewStream offers the opportunity to practice answering common interview questions and receive feedback from a peer, instructor, or career advisor. Schedule an appointment to meet with a Career Advisor to create your account and get started or checkout the InterviewStream Prep: User Guide and InterviewStream Prep: Best Practices.

Career Coach Career Assessment Tool

Career Coach is a data driven tool made to help students explore and find careers suited to their values and skills. It contains a wealth of information on hundreds of different careers, and each different career links to TVCC degrees or certificates that can help students get into that particular career.

Career Coach Assessment Tool           Career Coach Instructions